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Cotton Transfer Printing

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2013-06-13  浏览次数:34
核心提示:Digital Printing Transfer to COTTON. (GREAT INNOVATION) Photo2Cotton technology:(1) Ensures color fastness up to Grade 4
 Digital Printing Transfer to COTTON. (GREAT INNOVATION) Photo2Cotton technology:
(1) Ensures color fastness up to Grade 4 and Eco-friendly.
(2) Preserves the property of Cotton hand feel and moisture absorption.               
(3) Ensures photo standard transfer, perfect color transition and true effects. 
(4) Easy handle with simple procedure and lower cost. 
  Can be applied to Natural Fiber like Cotton, Tencel, Viscose, Rayon, Modal, Bamboo Fibre and Silk etc.
We provide reactive ink, new formula cotton coatings and coated paper with this technique. We also welcome to have your garment orders.
本条信息网址: https://www.fa08.com.cn/zixun/show-15304.html
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