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中小型预缩定型机 YJ-2800、 面料缩水机

品牌: 金鼎
单价: 面议
供货总量: 1 普通
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 广东 肇庆市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2016-05-09 20:06
浏览次数: 10

品名:缩水定型机 YJ-2800 Products name: Medium size shrinking forming machine YJ-2800 性能特点: Performance features: 本机采用蒸汽预热、预缩、烘干设计,使预缩过的布料更加柔和、平整。缝制过程不再有针孔和缝后短码现象,同时横幅与纵幅拼缝时不会产生变形,比同类机型更加节能和环保。 This machine has Steam preheating, pre shrinking, drying - design, After shrinking cloth become softer, smooth. The sewing process no longer has the phenomenon of pinhole and shorten, without deformation when the longitudinal web patchwork banner,more energy saving and environmental protection than similar products. 操作方便,强力吸风冷却和摆动折叠对码落布,蒸汽量和温度可根据不同布料设定调节。 Easy to operate, strong suction, the steam flow rate and the temperature can be according to different fabrics setting adjustment. 采用蒸汽循环使用功能,不但减少了废汽和水的排放,更好地加强了布料的预缩效果,从而也减少了蒸汽和电能的使用量。(比同类型新产品节省40%左右) Use the steam cycle function, not only to reduce the discharge of waste gas and water, but also make higher fabric of the pre shrink effect, thus reducing the steam and energy use. (40% more than the same type of new product) 蒸汽室采用不锈钢板制作,使其温度更加均匀高效,布料定型效果更佳。 The steam room which is make of staubless steel, it makes the temperature more uniform and efficient, and the effect is better. 内设自动调带和电眼监控放布功能。 This machine equipped with automatic adjustment and electronic eyes functione. 用途: Usage: 适合于针织布、化纤料、牛仔布等布料的预缩定型。 Suit for knitted fabric,chemical fiber,denim fabric and so on. 技术参数: Specification parameter: 1.电源:AC380V50-60Hz Voltage:AC380V50-60Hz 2.工作速度:1-8m/min Speed:1-8m/min 3.功率:10KW Power:10KW 4.使用蒸汽压力:4-7kg/cm Steam pressure:4-7kg/cm 5.蒸汽消耗量:60kg/h Steam consumption:60kg/h 6.外形尺寸(mm):2800*2610*1600 Dimensions(mm):2800*2610*1600

本条信息网址: https://www.fa08.com.cn/gongying/show-725634.html
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