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单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 广东 东莞市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2015-12-17 23:02
浏览次数: 16

Trillion in bloom off the dongguan co., LTD. Is a company with more than 20 years engaged in the research of electronic switch socket, development, design and manufacturing of the manufacturer. Focusing on the switch; Socket, headphone socket, button switch, self-locking switch, light touch switch, light switch, USB socket, DC socket, toggle switch, button switch, keyboard switch, USB socket, ship type switch, switch, micro switch, vibration switch, door lock switch of the science and technology enterprises; Products are widely used in automobile industry, instrument, communications, medical, household appliances, digital, intelligent electronic appliances, computer peripherals and consumer electronics.
Trillion sheng has more mold, metal mold design capability and high speed line more punching die design ability. Efficient set of process capability Trillion sheng has the ability to product design and manufacture of automatic machines, can cooperate customers production needs, set automatic last, semi-automatic production or artificial water production, has a considerable advantage. High self-making ratio mold parts processing capacity of mold parts processing professionals constantly relay, and equipped with advanced producing wire cutting machine, electric discharge machine mold and parts production equipment, can design development and production of engineering mold, shorten the development period of mould processing and assembling test time, meet the needs of science and technology industry rapid response. Green quality assurance system, http://www.zskgc.com/


兆盛拥有多塑模,五金模 设计能力及高速多线的冲模设计能力。高效的组立制程能力 兆盛拥有自行设计制造产品的自动机台能力,可配合客户产能需要,设定全自动上次,半自动生产或人工流水生产,具有相当的优势.高自制率模具零件加工能力 专业模具零件加工人员不断接力,并配有先进的日产慢走丝线切割机,放电加工机等模具零件生产设备,可自行设计开发及制作工程模具,有效缩短模具加工周期和组立试模的时间,满足科技产业快速反应的需求.绿色品保体系,http://www.zskgc.com/

本条信息网址: https://www.fa08.com.cn/gongying/show-678053.html
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