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单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 广东 东莞市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2015-12-14 23:34
浏览次数: 5

Guangdong Sheng switch factory was established in 1989, is a professional manufacturer of all kinds of industrial use switch manufacturers. Established in 1986 the production of electronic switch socket industry products, Germany's high level of research and development, combined with the advantages of mass production, improve the competitiveness of the product market, the challenge of the future growth of the market.
The quality of the Guangdong Sheng switch is obtained from all walks of life, ISO9002:1994, 9001:2000 ISO, ISO 1400116949 through environmental management system certification, product certification, such as TUV, VDE, CUL, FIMkO, 3C and CE certification, and accept the regular quality management system audit.
Attention has been the key to switch, self-locking switch, headphone jack, toggle switch, DC jack, tact switch, button switch, a detection switch straight key switches, button switch, keyboard switch, micro switch, vibration switch, door lock switch
Guangdong trillion Sheng switch through the "excellence, the new and new" quality policy, betting on industry growth prospects of manufacturing and service industries with, and strengthen the application of knowledge activity, make the product has high ability of innovation, and create endless innovation activities and technological upgrading strategy. based on the amplification product added value, enhance the competitiveness of the production technology and other important concepts.


广东兆盛开关的质量获得各界肯定,取得ISO9002:1994,ISO 9001:2000,ISO 14001,16949通过环境管理系统认证,产品上取得多项安规认证,如CUL、TUV、VDE、FIMkO、CE及中国3C认证,并接受定期的质量管理系统稽核。



企业决策单位全力支持产品研发的经费来源,应该使用在科技研发上,应该持续推动兆盛开关与上下游产业之间的整合研究,包括消费电子领域、安全产业领域、交通捷运领域等,并且加强各单位政策的协调、各自能力的整建、厚实关键技术平台等,与客户共创双赢局面     详情请登入广东兆盛开关官方 http://www.zskgc.com/

本条信息网址: https://www.fa08.com.cn/gongying/show-676996.html
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