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单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 广东 东莞市 黄江
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2015-02-09 21:08
浏览次数: 24

Our headquarters electronic technology co., LTD. In 1985, is specializing in the production of "HAOOT" brand of high quality electronic switch directly to manufacturers,


The factory is most of the main raw materials imported from Japan, South Korea and other countries, all purchasing material is accord with the eu RoHS environmental protection standard, has a completely independent high-speed stamping and injection molding production parts of personnel, equipment and technical ability, for the product assembly and quality control provides a powerful guarantee. Factory is located in dongguan, China, an area of more than 8000 square meters, office applications and production equipment complete, now employs more than three hundred production staff. Monthly output can reach nearly thousands of grain of switch and socket. We have many years of professional experience in manufacturing, products are widely used in household appliances, electronic toys, small electric tools, instruments and meters, testing equipment, electrical lighting and computer network, karaoke entertainment products, VCD, CD, DVD player, power amplifier, bluetooth, MP3, MP4, repeater, emergency lights, TV, massager, hair dryer, computer and other audio equipment. For research and development of new products, we spare no efforts. Constantly develop new products, to meet the needs of the latest electronic products market trend. http://www.dcchazuo.com/

  皓天电子科技有限公司1985 年,是专业生产“HAOOT”品牌的高质量电子电器开关的直接生产厂家,

      本厂是主要原材料大部份进口日本、韩国等国家,全部进购材料均符合欧盟 RoHS 环保标准,拥有完全具独立高速冲压和注塑生产零部件的人员、设备和技术能力,为产品组装和质量控制提供了实力的保证。厂房位于中国东莞市,面积达8000多平方米,办公室应用及生产设备一应俱全,现时雇用三百多名生产员工。每月产量能达近千万粒开关及插座。我们具有多年的专业制造经验,产品广泛应用于家用电器,电子玩具、小型电动工具、仪器仪表检测设备、电器照明设施及计算机网络、娱乐产品卡拉OK、VCD、CD 、 DVD 机、功放、蓝牙、 MP3 、 MP4、复读机、应急灯、电视机、按摩器、电吹风、计算机等影音设备。对于新产品的研究及开发,我们更不遗余力。不断发展新产品,以配合最新的电子产品市场需求趋势。 http://www.dcchazuo.com/

本条信息网址: https://www.fa08.com.cn/gongying/show-586218.html
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