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单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 广东 东莞市 黄江
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2014-12-04 20:15
浏览次数: 19

Xi list Headset socket connector factory was founded in 1993, R & D and production experience, is a company committed to the development of zero component connectors, sockets, connectors and other manufacturing company, its products are mainly used in consumer electronics, home entertainment products, mobile communication products, automobile electronic products, medical equipment products, well received by customers sure.
The main Headset socket 3.5. 2.5 main Headset socket. Two channel stereo Headset Headset socket. The socket. The short body of ultrashort USB socket. A micro chip USB socket. Mini DC socket. Horizontal vertical DC socket DC socket.
Xi list electronic own production base covers an area of 35000 square meters, has a staff of nearly 1800 people, the annual output of 3000000000 pieces, with a high efficiency production strength and advanced quality control level. Xi list electronic constantly adapt to customer and market demand, R & D and production of a series can be applied to the new market demand for products.
At the same time, we rely on the strong technical strength and a global leader in the experience, and include Foxconn, AUX, Lenovo, Haier, Konka, Galanz, Hisense and other leading domestic manufacturers to conduct in-depth cooperation, and make due contributions to the China electronic industry development. Xi Bang Electronics will uphold the "customer first, excellence" principle to continue to provide customers with more quality products. Http://www.gdxjdz.com/

溪榜耳机插座连接器厂成立于1993年,生产研发经验,是一家致力于连接器、插座、连接器等零组件的研发制造公司, 其生产的产品主要应用于消费性电子产品、家庭娱乐产品、行动通讯产品、车用电子产品、医疗器材产品,深受客户的肯定。


同时我们凭借雄厚的技术实力和全球领先的经验,与包括富士康、奥克斯、联想、海尔、康佳、格兰仕、海信等国内领先厂商展开深入合作,为中国电子行业的腾飞做出应有的贡献。溪榜电子将秉承”客户至上,精益求精” 的原则继续为客户提供更优质的产品。 http://www.gdxjdz.com/

本条信息网址: https://www.fa08.com.cn/gongying/show-564375.html
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