标王 热搜: 岗亭  GPS  电子  空调  服装  轴承  东莞  米粉机  能源  粉丝机 


单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 广东 东莞市 黄江
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2014-09-17 20:36
浏览次数: 55

Li Ming toggle switch products factory is a set design, production, research and development of electronic switches and sockets for professional development of manufacturing enterprises. Products are widely used in computer, digital home appliances, communications equipment and other fields, for many years, always uphold the spirit of innovation and adhere to the perfect quality, the increasingly diverse needs of the market, continuous innovation, the successful development of a series of new products to the market.
The main system; precision miniature toggle switches, high-end luxury Mini patch toggle switch, toggle switch, power switch, key switch, slide switch, etc.
Li Ming has a number of high-quality professional and technical personnel and management personnel, through the ISO9001:2008 quality management system and &IS014001:2004 environmental management system certification, and constantly introducing and absorbing domestic and foreign electronic manufacturing enterprises to optimize the best technology, production equipment and testing instruments top. The company spirit of "team, innovation, integrity, ISO9001 Thanksgiving" business philosophy and the "continuing to carry out, strengthen quality management, stable product quality, meet customer needs" quality commitment as a company marketing purposes, to "strict quality control, on time delivery, customer service" the quality policy to provide quality services to customers.
Li Ming adhering to the "creation of performance management, access to quality survival, reputation guarantee stability, innovation and development" purposes. All are welcome to visit the guidance, Li Ming will be high-quality products, perfect service, low - price to meet your needs. Http://anniukaiguan.com/

利铭拨动开关制品厂 是一家集开发设计、制造、研发为一体的专业电子开关插座造企业。产品广泛应用于电脑、数字家电、通讯设备等领域,多年来秉持一贯创新的研发精神及对完美品质之坚持,针对日趋多样的市场需求,不断开拓创新,成功的开发出一系列新产品并推向市场。


利铭拥有一批高素质的专业技术人才和管理人才,通过了ISO9001:2008质量管理体系&IS014001:2004环境管理体系认证,不断引进和吸收国内外电子制造顶 顶尖技术、生产设备和检测仪器来优化企业自身。公司本着“团队、创新、诚信、感恩”的经营理念和“持续推行ISO9001,加强品质管理,稳定产品品质,满足客户需求”的品质承诺作为公司开拓市场的宗旨,以“严格品管,准时交货,服务客户”的品质方针为客户提供优质服务。


本条信息网址: https://www.fa08.com.cn/gongying/show-531013.html
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