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单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 广东 东莞市 黄江
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2014-07-30 20:49
浏览次数: 20

China - standings Creek hardware switch Co., Ltd. was founded in 1993, is a professional production enterprise specializing in the production of electronic switch, button switch; switch; switches; a self-locking switch; micro switch; rocker switch; switch; vibration switch; straight key switch; leaf blade switch; straight key switch; the ball switch; vibration switch DC socket; plug; Headset USB socket and other products.
Our company is strong in technology, production and testing facilities, perfect management system, comprehensive management mechanism as the criterion in ISO9001. The spirit of innovation, pragmatic, enterprising business purposes, won the majority of new and old customers of praise.
Success comes from cooperation, Xi Bang hardware switch products, warmly welcome new and old customers work together, build ambitious, develop a better tomorrow.
Technical innovation as the source of the company be on the upgrade standings Creek hardware switch, beyond the self motivation. The company will continue to launch new products, and strive to make their products not only in Guangdong leading, but also in the domestic leading. (Xi Bang hardware switch) to fully consider the various needs of customers, extend service to the pre-sale, and the "user satisfaction" as a commitment to the user, in the effort to meet the diverse needs of customers at the same time, the user's ideal and pursuit for reality.
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中国-溪榜五金开关有限公司 创立于1993年,是一家专业生产电子开关企业,专业生产按键开关;按钮开关;按键开关;自锁开关;微动开关;船型开关;拨动开关;震动开关;直键开关;叶片开关;直键开关;滚珠开关;振动开关;DC插座;耳机插座;USB插座等产品。

公司技术实力雄厚,生产检测设备完善,管理体制健全,全面以 ISO9001管理机制为准则。本着创新、务实、进取的企业宗旨,赢得广大新老客户的一致好评。

    成功来自合作, 溪榜五金开关制品 热忱欢迎新老客户携手合作,共建鸿图,开 拓美好明天。

    溪榜五金开关把技术创新作为自己企业蒸蒸日上的源泉,超越自我的动力。公司将不断推出新产品,并力争自己的产品不仅在广东领先,而且在国内领先。(溪榜五金开关)充分考虑客户的各种需求,把服务延伸到售前,并把"用户的满意"作为对用户的承诺,在尽最大努力来满足用户各种需求的同时,将用户的 理想与追求变为现实。


本条信息网址: https://www.fa08.com.cn/gongying/show-510388.html
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