标王 热搜: 岗亭  GPS  电子  空调  服装  轴承  东莞  能源  米粉机  粉丝机 

郑州到越南河内/泰国曼谷铁路运输 东南亚班列

品牌: 中欧班列
20GP: 6*2.3*2.3
40GP: 12*2.3*2.3
40HQ: 12*2.3*2.6
单价: 253.00元/立方米
起订: 1 立方米
供货总量: 875 立方米
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 河南 漯河市 舞阳县
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2023-10-16 22:24
浏览次数: 34
 Zhengzhou is located in central China, which is very convenient for combining cargo from neighboring provinces on its high-speed cargo train to Europe. The first cargo train from Zhengzhou to Europe dated back to Jul 18th,2013. Thanks to the surging volume, in 2016 the frequency has improved to be three trains a week westbound.
Generally speaking, 95% of the cargo transported on China-Europe cargo block trains are 40ft containers. 20ft containers have to be loaded in pair on railway wagons and it's difficult to match two 20ft containers on one railway wagon because they need to have similar weight for safety reason. Then what can we do with cargo less than one 40ft container load? So this is the exact reason we are organizing consolidation service at Zhengzhou for LCL cargo.
On Zhengzhou-Europe block trains we have three LCL departures per week to Warsaw of Poland and Hamburg of Germany. From these two cities we can arrange distribution to all over Europe by LTL(Less than Truck Load) service.
本条信息网址: https://www.fa08.com.cn/gongying/show-3307628.html
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