光电测量产品 >> 光谱系统 >> 太阳能电池检测系统 |
In this era of renewable energy and space exploration, harnessing the solar energy is becoming increasingly important. As a result, different material systems are being employed, new designs implemented and systems tailored for use in particular situations. This system permits the determination of the absolute spectral responsivity of such devices.
A monochromatic probe based on a Bentham TMc300 single monochromator and typically a Xenon/Quartz halogen light source, is launched onto the sample under test, giving coverage over the spectral range 350-2500nm. UV response is also possible using a double monochromator based system.
For the case of multiple junction cells, this system may be easily integrated into a customer’s bias source assembly.
This image depicts such a system, coupling the probe to a test enclosure which also houses a source to bias multiple junction devices.
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